Yoga & Pilates În Timişoara

D’ Point Studio – Inteligent, Educativ, Inspirational

Echipa noastră formată din profesori de Yoga pregătiţi în şcolile din India şi instructori internaţionali Les Mills, îţi vor oferi cele mai bune practici şi metode din domeniul Yoga, Pilates şi Grup Fitness. Vei putea experimenta într-un mod autentic, o gamă largă de stiluri ale claselor de Yoga, Pilates după metoda originală Joseph Pilates şi multe alte programe de nivel internaţional.

Obiectivul nostru este să îndrumăm şi să inspirăm cu fiecare clasă de grup, pe fiecare participant în parte.

gimnastică artistică COpii – Yoga copii – gimnastică ritmică copii

În Timişoara

Creativ, nu competitiv! Dezvoltăm campioni în viaţă, nu în competiţie.

Pe langă abilităţile fizice pe care le dezvoltăm mai mult cu fiecare practică, Gimnastica Artistică Copii, Yoga Copii şi Gimnastica Ritmică pentru Copii ne învaţă multe lecţii pozitive şi dobândim abilităţi de viaţă:

Disciplină | Determinare | Consecvenţă | Dedicare | Respect | Curaj | Cunoaştere şi Management de Sine | Lucru în Echipă şi Individual | Prietenie


TheosMed OfficeTheosMed Office
12:27 30 Oct 23
D'Point Studio is our first choice, the first location we recommend to all our patients who need guidance in the complex field of sports.De D'Point links us to a long and fruitful collaboration, with original projects and impressive results, because together we supported clients not only with their training in the fitness studio, but also with nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, which optimized and accelerated results.For us, D'Point represents the most performing, most involved, most dedicated coaches. In the world of fitness, having a personal trainer can be the key to achieving your fitness goals. It provides guidance, motivation and accountability which makes a huge difference in your progress. If you are looking for such a coach, you have come to the right place (physical or online 🙂 )
Judith KincsesJudith Kincses
13:26 13 Oct 23
If you are looking for well-trained instructors, various classes, a pleasant environment, seriousness but also a good mood, choose D'Point studio and something will surely suit you. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Ada PasaroiuAda Pasaroiu
09:53 10 Oct 23
Awesome trainers and their classes keep you energized and motivated to work on yourself
Bianca BiancaBianca Bianca
09:19 10 Oct 23
The best yoga room in Timișoara and with the best trainers! I saw the best results with them and learned to do the positions as correctly as possible. I recommend with love and confidence! ❤
roxana fanearoxana fanea
09:10 10 Oct 23
The D'Point team is made up of people with professionalism, seriousness and who motivate you to continue regardless of obstacles.
Olimpiu PorumbOlimpiu Porumb
20:37 07 Oct 23
Professional and dedicated trainers. Motivating classes and even fun, once your body is getting used to the effort. Yoga classes are tailored to each one aptitudes.
claudia halmagianclaudia halmagian
08:59 04 Oct 23
I had a great experience working with Daniel at their gym, it was hard work and so much fun. 😊 Also, I was in the best shape of my adult life in that period while working with him.💪
Alex PetencheaAlex Petenchea
10:59 03 Oct 23
The classes are great and the instructors are very knowledgeable
Iulia DarabanIulia Daraban
13:26 30 Jul 19
Wonderful place, Daniela is amazing with the kids! My daughter loves her and loves going to the lessons. After only a few sessions she was much more sociable and disciplined. The place is very clean and kid friendly!